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Architectural Photography 


Architectural photography is the photography of buildings and structures which are exact and agreeable representations of their subjects. 













































Rut Blees is known for investigating urban landscape. Rut Blees searches for how the cityscape both affects and reflects the human condition. Rut usually takes photos at night on the edge of the centre of the city because the long exposures allows  her to use the light which emanates from the street only, from office blocks and street lights. 


The result of her work is strange but also beautiful, sometimes it is easily recognisable whilst others are flooded with a green and golden light and is almost abstract. Urban landscapes are usually seemed dehumanising and threatening, but this is how Rut draws us in with her poetic and seductive ways which makes us look at her work again whilst hinting at new found ways of interacting with the cities we live in.


In 2003 she was commissioned by the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery to take a series of images in the city of Swansea. The show would have presented a number of the new large-scale works forming the main part of the exibition, which also would have  included recent work that was made in London, Paris and Dakar. 



































Architectural photography is found on professional websites such as this.















































Architectural magazines are a good source of architectural photography.



























Architectural photography is found on social networking websites such as insagram. 












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